bradubuntu linux

My experience setting up a computer with Ubuntu linux

27 December 2011

New Setup Procedures

1. Connect to wireless network
  • Select "Connect to Hidden Network"
  • Set security to WPA2 Personal
  • Enter password

2. Change wireless IP (change from dynamic to static)

  • Select "Edit Connections"
  • Set IP to Manual
  • Enter IP =
  • Enter Mask =
  • Enter Gateway =
  • Enter DNS =

3. Run update manager

4. Install Restricted Drivers (e.g. nvidia driver)

  • If fonts are changed after install, run sudo leafpad /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add the lines
Option "UseEdidDpi" "false" (separated by tabs)
Option "Dpi" "92 x 92" (separated by tabs)

5. Install samba, x11vnc, picard

6. Set up VNC

  • To run the VNC server, x11vnc -forever -display :0
  • Copy custom to the home directory from the backup drive
  • sudo cp /usr/bin/
  • sudo chmod 775 /usr/bin/
  • sudo leafpad /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart and add the line

7. Automount NTFS drive

  • Make sure NTFS drive (DIXON) is not already mounted
  • sudo mkdir /media/DIXON
  • ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid and look for the UUID for sda3
  • sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.old
  • sudo leafpad /etc/fstab and add the line
UUID=xxx /media/DIXON ntfs-3g defaults 0 0 (separated by tabs) where xxx is replaced by the UUID for sda3

8. Set up Samba server
  • Copy custom smb.conf to the home directory from the backup drive
  • sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.old
  • sudo cp smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf
  • sudo restart smbd
  • sudo restart nmbd
  • sudo smbpasswd -a bdegreg (prompt will ask for Windows password)

9. Set up automatic backup

  • sudo crontab -e and add line

00 01 * * * /usr/bin/rsync --delete --size-only --progress -av /media/DIXON '/media/My Book/brad/dixon'

Lubuntu 11.10

It's been a while, mostly because nothing new was happening. My ubuntu computer was running along smoothly. However, there were two problems. First, VNC performance was crappy. This happened soon after the switch to the unity desktop, and it turns out to be related to the desktop effects settings, which cannot be turned off in version 11.10. I rely heavily on VNC so this was a dealbreaker for me. Actually, the 11.10 update did make VNC slightly faster, but it was still a pain to use. Secondly, I did not like how unity worked. It took extra steps to get to my programs and files.

Then I heard about lubuntu, the flavor of ubuntu for low performance machines. Since I was running this on a nettop, this sounded perfect. However, the switch from ubuntu to lubuntu was less than perfect, and I ended up with a garbled loading screen (it turned out that this was a login screen, so I probably could have gotten past it and fixed everything) so I started a fresh lubuntu install. At this point I also knew exactly how I wanted everything to work (e.g. VNC, Samba), so I also wrote everything down that I changed after the installation...