New Setup Procedures
1. Connect to wireless network
8. Set up Samba server
- Select "Connect to Hidden Network"
- Set security to WPA2 Personal
- Enter password
2. Change wireless IP (change from dynamic to static)
- Select "Edit Connections"
- Set IP to Manual
- Enter IP =
- Enter Mask =
- Enter Gateway =
- Enter DNS =
3. Run update manager
4. Install Restricted Drivers (e.g. nvidia driver)
- If fonts are changed after install, run sudo leafpad /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add the lines
Option "UseEdidDpi" "false" (separated by tabs)
Option "Dpi" "92 x 92" (separated by tabs)
5. Install samba, x11vnc, picard
6. Set up VNC
- To run the VNC server, x11vnc -forever -display :0
- Copy custom to the home directory from the backup drive
- sudo cp /usr/bin/
- sudo chmod 775 /usr/bin/
- sudo leafpad /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart and add the line
7. Automount NTFS drive
- Make sure NTFS drive (DIXON) is not already mounted
- sudo mkdir /media/DIXON
- ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid and look for the UUID for sda3
- sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.old
- sudo leafpad /etc/fstab and add the line
8. Set up Samba server
- Copy custom smb.conf to the home directory from the backup drive
- sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.old
- sudo cp smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf
- sudo restart smbd
- sudo restart nmbd
- sudo smbpasswd -a bdegreg (prompt will ask for Windows password)
9. Set up automatic backup
- sudo crontab -e and add line
00 01 * * * /usr/bin/rsync --delete --size-only --progress -av /media/DIXON '/media/My Book/brad/dixon'