bradubuntu linux

My experience setting up a computer with Ubuntu linux

20 March 2008

Laptop Upgrade

Kelly asked to use my old laptop (the one I bought when I started grad school). I haven't used it for over a year, so I need to upgrade Ubuntu on it. I decided to do a fresh install with 4.10 Gutsy Gibbon because I had really messed around with things previously. The new install went very smoothly, and it even started up with some Compiz effects enabled. The only problem is that the wireless card did not "just work" like I had hoped. I basically had to install the windows driver for it using NDISwrapper, just like last time. After a restart, the wireless card started working, and I was very happy to see it connecting to my home network using WPA security (which never really worked right before) without having to mess around with config files. I also disabled the Compiz special effects because they really slowed down the laptop. I think I'll let Kelly play with it now.


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